
I have seen many photos of horse’s eyes. They are expressive, that’s for sure. The subject almost seems to be cliche. But I decided to give it a try and captured this…. A view from Mayflower’s eyes. I hope you like it.

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2 Responses to Reflections

  1. Kerri says:

    Mayflower is lovely! I just wanted to give you an update on my equine journey… I found an amazing animal! Still doing the math and making a decision. He is charming and a smart 6 year old. I don’t want to tell you bloodlines – want you to guess if I get him. How is that for a teaser? Anyway, I am thinking of going for it! Have to find a dressage saddle – won’t be a problem. Just in the process of making the commitment. I know I am rambling – Sorry! Cheers to horses!

  2. bdale56 says:

    Cheers to horses! And ponies too! Go for it! You will be amazed. Is it a thoroughbred or standardbred? Or something else? I am totally in love!!!

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