A Walk in the Park

Got up early today, once again to the sound of the pumps in the basement. There were no good opportunities for sunrise photos as it was too overcast at the time. So I made some ultra strong coffee (I buy coffee from the Arbor Day Foundation), and after two cups I was charged!

“Today I am going to do something I haven’t done in a long time. Take a walk in the park,” I thought to myself. It was kind of like playing hookie since I took off work to monitor the pumps. “But, I won’t be gone very long,” I thought.

Right on the edge of town is a state park, and I haven’t been there in years. Why not? In the summer it is too crowded, but not right now. I was hoping to get photos of spring. Everything still looked brown and hung over from winter.

I came across a stone building I hadn’t seen before and walked inside. One side has an old hearth, the other a non functioning sink.

This must be one of the surviving structures built by the German prisoners of war from WWII. They built other structures in the park as well. They also constructed the gravel road where I currently reside. There is an old stone monument at the beginning of the road that is all written in German.

Because this town has lots of people with German ancestry, the prisoners of war were treated well, even by their own accounts. After a hard day’s work they were often allowed to have a beer or two at a tavern in town.

It all seems a little crazy to me. I’m not from this area. It just seems strange to me that they were treated so well while back in Germany unbelievable atrocities were occurring.

Trying to get my head clear of that, I took a trail by the Cottonwood River, still looking for spring. Suddenly, I saw it! Mud turtles sunbathing on fallen trees! As soon as they saw me they quickly slid into the river. They were much faster than I was as I tried to photograph them.

I did manage to get one photo though…

 I have realized I am going to need a tripod for better zoom photos.

There are some beautiful bluff areas in this park. I climbed almost all the way up one today. But, I have a fear of heights that has gotten worse as I age. After I had finished the steps and came to the path winding narrowly along a ridge, I told myself everything was too brown to be of interest. Good excuse, hey?

I’m going back to the park when the buds start to show and sprouts burst out of the soil. No excuses for me then!

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7 Responses to A Walk in the Park

  1. Slowvelder says:

    Sounds like a lovely walk – I need to take more walks…..

  2. I wish I had the energy (ambition) to take a long walk in the morning before I got ready for work. I know the dogs would love me to. I am full of great ideas and then when that time comes, my greatest idea is usually to stay in bed.

    • bdale56 says:

      Sleeping is a good activity. I am a very heavy sleeper. Anyhow, take some walks to balance your sleep. You will sleep better. I am 54 years old and just starting to feel alive again. I need to take advantage of this cause I’m going down the road a lot faster than I realized.

  3. You have such a beautiful blog! The pictures are lovely and soothing, I wish I lived in such a gorgeous place!

    • bdale56 says:

      I am very grateful for your comments. It is a beautiful place to live, but it can also be very harsh. Happy gardening! Mine is nothing to envy…

      • I think everybody feels that way about where they live lol! It’s ‘the grass is always greener’ syndrome here. I’m in FL and the heat really bothers me, but I’m in love with a man who doesn’t do cold weather. It’s worth it, but I still dream of snow and seasons.

        I meant to tell you, I really appreciate you subscribing to my blog. It was such a confidence booster (you’re one of two subscribers lol). I’m so happy to be making some bloggie friends 🙂

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